FACT CHECK: Attain Viral Videos Existing Right UFO/UAP Sightings in Indian Locations fancy Agra & Rajasthan?

Lots of videos are being shared on social media platforms with the claim that these video display right UFO/UAP sightings all the way via India at the side of in Agra and Rajasthan. We compare the veracity of the claims in this video.
#ufosky #unidentified #alien #spaceship #uap #indianews #info #data #factchecking

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  1. @robingray8852 says

    I scream that licensed pointers would possibly perchance well mild be handed to prison folks that persist in making pretend UFO movies, we earn had adequate of Bullshit attach out by folks that lawful are desirous to profit from this topic, and which wastes the time of in actuality lawful investigators who are working to notify the final public what’s undoubtedly going on in the skies above us, discontinuance posting rubbish and employ your skill on other helpful projects, that is prone to be of earnings to folks.

  2. @BABYGREY-I_will_probe_U says

    India recordsdata tells to many lies to belief them

  3. @johngogos6240 says

    She couldn't construct it less entertaining if she tried, depraved host , I don't care how natty she is .

  4. Head over to the earn location linked on my channel for weekly UFOs stories, be sure you verify it out!

  5. @garrypricelaketenkiller9272 says

    AI didn’t exist in 2017 when my wife and I occurred on to a craft with 2 creatures in thought see. They were in the approach of loading trucks on a moonless night. We were inner 30feet.

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