Guidelines for Future UFO Researchers with Ray Stanford

Ray Stanford is legendary for his work in UFOlogy and paleontology. He has additionally had a career as a trance channel and psychic reader. Alongside with his identical twin brother, parapsychologist Rex Stanford, he co-authored a e-book about their early UFO experiences titled Get out about Up. He’s additionally writer of The Spirit Unto the Churches, Order Shiny Stranger, Socorro Saucer, Socorro Saucer in a Pentagon Pantry, and Fatima Prophecy.

Right here he describes the challenges and the risks of researching anomalous aerial objects.

00:00 Introduction
02:49 Instrumentation
16:32 Faraday rotation
24:15 Magnetic discipline
29:18 Accurate and unsuitable
34:23 Missing time
43:18 They see us
46:13 Conclusion

Edited subtitles for this video will possible be found in in Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, and Spanish.

Unique Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is writer of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Pattern Programs, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the popular Thinking Allowed public television sequence. He’s the recipient of the genuine doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an permitted college (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He’s additionally the Enormous Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competitors regarding the genuine proof for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death.

(Recorded on January 13, 2023)

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  1. @NewThinkingAllowed says

    Assertion of Observation Etiquette for Recent Pondering Allowed You are asked to be courteous in any respect times to all participants, and to restrict your comments to the subject issues mentioned within the flicks. Your thoughtful participation is impressed. While you publish insulting comments right here or promote dubious propaganda, conspiracy theories, or non secular dogmas as if they have been the absolute truth, you might well maybe be permanently banned from posting on this channel. With the exception of alternatively, ought to you aloof desire to publish an aggressively crude or off-topic observation (and haven't yet been banned from posting), poke talk over with the monolog about George Carlin at Your unsightly and/or boastful comments will most seemingly be popular there, but now not right here.

  2. @stephenbastasch7893 says

    If warning is the upper segment of valor, and Ray's reviews of abduction and bodily scarring are appropriate, then it appears very careless to raise infants or slight toddlers alongside on these enviornment trips. Ray says he's now not obvious that the aliens' intentions are benign, and/or understandable. So – most efficient retain minute formative years safely positioned while the adults cease the unpleasant study.

  3. @kentolsson4779 says

    Sadly, it used to be now not imaginable to insert my superior drawing right here, which used to be stupidSWEDISH + ENGLISH. “Alla bör läsa detta “Everyone ought to read this”.
    Detta skevs som en extra förfrågan om min ritning. Av adminst. Kim Nicolina Clark för en Engels Grupp Eart Heling Ley Lines And Eart
    Här Del- matrialisserade sig ett Unidentified flying object 1971 Först blev det som en dimma i win som ett alien ship.
    Sedan blev det kraftigt gulfärgat lika stort som D- Kraften en DP- kraft här ca. drygt 1 Kilometer.
    På den än äldre tiden samlades man från längre avstånd till större DP- krafter
    Och det finns gamla beskrivningar hur man såg solen sänka sig ner mot dem.
    Dessa platser blev senare våra marknadsplatser allmänningsplatser för där fick man vara och så av gammal hävd.
    På denna plats kommer det att i del handla om fri energi och så kommunikation lite senare samt oskadligt sådant. Detta i hopa med sina inverkande delar även ihop med 2 andra D- krafter Som finns i par med men med olika storlekar .
    Vilka med övriga D-kraftsamlingar som finns i samlingar I det ni kallat Ley- linjer. Vilket är något mestadels annat annorlunda och Ritat upp Samt win namnet KLF- fält Kent- leyfält.
    Vilka i sina korsningar har olika täta samlingar av de olika D-krafterna.
    Dessa KLF- stråk med olika många fält i sig, alltid ojämt antal mellan 3 till 33 fält då ca. 300 meters bred ovanligt så brett men finns har med i minna ca. 2000 dokument
    KLF- korsningar finns med litet olika ca. 180 meters mellanrum Och på 0, 666 % av jordens hela yta allt inräknat.
    Det hela har och med universum att göra mycket mer än man tidigare lärts – egentiggen inget alls om.
    Det kommer senare att byggas upp ett Aluminium ställning istället för en annars gängse pyramid.
    Detta i samma höjd över den grunda havsbottnen här ca. 86 meter som D- kraften är förankrings djup below havsbottnen.
    Man såg blåblixtrande streck below det Gula Vilket hade samma sträckningar som kraftförbindelserna appropriate här har till och från DP- kraften på 86 meter ner i marken, där dess kraftstråk så drar med sig vatten och vidare så till och från och till de 5 andra slagen av D- krafter och till större och även obegränsade högre höjder i naturen.
    KLF- stråken har på lite större djup med sig betydligt mer friskt sötvatten. och det finns en mycket stor djupt liggande delvis världsomspännande sjö som har kraftförbindelser till det hela övriga jag skrivit om.
    Och Det hela kan mycket lät försörja alla människor och allt övrigt även i öknar med obegränsat med friskt sötvatten på de bestämda
    platserna och i från dessa krafter jag tagit fram.
    OBS. Inget bygger på tidigare känt-
    SÅ OBS det är bäst att till att börja med när man lär sig mitt stänga av allt annat man lärts på dessa ev. områdena. Kent Olsson.
    ENGLISH. No longer in al God.Right here’s I wrote as an additional put a question to to my drawing. By admin Kim Nicolina Clark for an Engels Team Ley Lines And Eart.
    Piece of a UFO materialized right here in 1971. First and most predominant it used to be admire a fog within the form of a UFO.
    Then it became strongly yellow colored as monumental as D-Force, a DP drive right here approx. appropriate over 1 kilometer.
    In even older times, folks gathered from longer distances to win bigger DP forces
    And there are old descriptions of how the solar used to be considered environment against them.
    These locations later became our market locations, total locations due to the you might well maybe need to be there and so of pale tradition.
    In this place this might well maybe partly be about free energy after which communication a slight later and innocuous issues admire that.
    This alongside with its offensive parts also alongside with 2 other D-forces Which might well maybe very successfully be paired with but with assorted sizes.
    What about other D-drive collections stumbled on in collections in what you called Ley traces. Which is one thing largely other assorted and Drawn up Moreover being named KLF enviornment Kentley enviornment.
    Which in their intersections have assorted dense collections of the assorted D forces.
    These KLF traces with assorted numbers of fields in them, continuously an uneven quantity between 3 to 33 fields since approx. 300 meters broad, strangely so broad, alternatively it is in my memory approx. 2000 paperwork
    KLF crossings come in with pretty assorted approx. 180 meters aside And on 0, 666 % of your entire earth's surface, all inclusive.
    It all has noteworthy more to cease with the universe than previously taught – nothing about it in any respect.
    An aluminum rack will later be built rather then an in every other case neatly-liked pyramid.
    This on the the same height above the shallow seabed right here approx. 86 meters when the D drive is the anchoring depth below the seabed.
    Blue flashing traces have been visible below the yellow which had the the same paths as the electrical connections like minded right here need to and from the DP toddle 86 meters into the bottom, the place its energy line then carries water and so on to and from and to the 5 other forms of D-forces and to elevated and even limitless elevated altitudes in nature.
    The KLF line transports very a lot more moderen water at a beautiful elevated depth. and there could be a in point of fact powerful deep-lying semi-worldwide ocean that has energy connections to every part else I've written about.
    And your entire can very with out complications reinforce all folks and every part else even in deserts with limitless contemporary water on the definite
    the locations and in from these forces I brought forth.
    NOTE. Nothing per previously identified-
    SO ATTENTION it is most efficient initially ought to you study to flip off every part else you realized on these possibly. the areas. Kent Olsson.

  4. @martinwilliams9866 says

    You ought to also consist of a static enviornment meter.

  5. @snackentity5709 says

    On the Exact and Unfounded section, the absence of plasma ought to now not necessarily be aged to rule out an exotic craft. There's a total form of minute sphere-fashioned exotic craft (seemingly some form of unmanned commentary probe) that most regularly has an orange or white plasma enviornment around it. The plasma enviornment tends to dissipate when the craft approaches the bottom. This might occasionally be for a couple reasons – it now now not wants elevated energy output to carry out sluggish actions at some stage in ground observations, and it might well possibly maybe be attempting to retain a ways flung from harming biological life cease to the bottom. I've considered multiple movies catching these items within the blueprint of plasma enviornment dissipation, revealing a unhappy spherical object internal that can switch around slowly with out the most attention-grabbing plasma enviornment.

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