50 Unexplained Mysteries That Scientists Can’t Describe

Our world is stuffed with mysteries—some magnificent, some haunting, and others downright baffling. From a burning crater in the midst of a desolate tract to frail symbols carved into the Earth, these tales enviornment every little thing we expect all of us know about science, historical previous, and the natural world. As of late, we’re exploring essentially the most tips-blowing unexplained mysteries that scientists aloof can’t fully crack.


  1. @lilbat7389 says

    Poland is supposed to b were Atlantis modified into as soon as

  2. @lindleloverwatterson3484 says

    2:46 so the whale rocks were precipitated by geological forces? Doesn't that mean it is printed by science so it doesn't belong on this video

  3. @cinnamon962 says

    Geological formations. Yeah dazzling. 😂

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