Dozens of UFOs Spotted All every other time in Washington, D.C., What Is the Authorities Hiding?

Mass UFO sightings are sweeping across the globe…
Mysterious blinking lights, unexplainable objects… and crafts unlike one thing else now we possess ever viewed… they’re everywhere in the build. From our airspace to sensitive zones, even correct above our homes…
Yet, no one has answers.
Tune in to expose the very fact they don’t desire you to perceive.

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  1. @StanTheObserver-lo8rx says

    Obvious–they are getting a final search of us before Trump ruins the enviornment.

  2. @MichaelTYuwi says

    Angels of Heaven are coming to hang us❤❤❤❤

  3. @elizabethbrown8833 says

    Governmentaliens 🤥

  4. @WmLJohnson says

    Object at 4:43 is a brand recent personal aircraft (VTOL) known as a BLACKFLY. It pivots in flight taking off in a inserting build apart. It develops a flat profile at cruising gallop.

  5. @mahdyzare-b9v says

    ❤تشکر از برنامه زیبایتان❤

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