One of the funniest scenes from the movie Spinal Tap.
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One of the funniest scenes from the movie Spinal Tap.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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“And oh how they danced. The li’l children of Stone ‘enge”
I actually know some people from Squatney (where Nigel Tufnel grew up) and they really do speak like that.
Can I raise a practical question at this point?
@rayjay2789 I would love to have something like that hheheh 😛
@StreetoffXAF so much love for Andy…and i agree with Dean, his van was pretty sweet XD
spinal tap ftw
@zionravescene we don’t fucking care.
@RettButt really?…… REALLY !!!!?
So iconic. How metal bands wrote anthems all about things they didn’t actually understand. Also why I never draw anything on a napkin. Ever.
“It’s not your job to be as confused as Nigel, is it?”
“I think you’re making a big thing out of it.” ” Making a big thing out of it would’ve been a good idea.” PWNED!
I am not going to co-manage the band with some woman especially one that looks like an Australian’s nightmare. lol XD
@blondeladygaga 15 people can’t haven’t gone up to 11.
4:10 little fantasy adolenscent world. LOOK AT THAT TV LOL
Stone enge dwarfs
Just hilarious!
Every time I see this I can’t help but crack up.
in danger of being crushed by a DWARF! HAHAHAHA!
‘Comedy genius’ sometimes gets used too freely, but not in this case.
Barbarian Queen Riding on Polar Bear !!!
2:28 may be the most hilarious of anything I have ever seen
“No one knows… who they were. Or… what they were doing.”
LMAO Gets me every time.
where the dew drops cry and the cats meow. The greatest line in any song.
@RettButt : if you have to ask, you’re not old enough…