This video shows the best of the 2010 crop circle formations. I have now posted a similar video of the 2011 crop circles at:
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This video shows the best of the 2010 crop circle formations. I have now posted a similar video of the 2011 crop circles at:
Video Rating: 4 / 5
purchse DVD here: www.NuoViso.TV Where does this mysterious crop circle phenomena come from? Is it done by man as a joke? So why do people have extraordinary experiences then? Flying ball of lights were seen in and around crop cirlces. Or is it an alien intelligence which try to communicate with us? The geometry which can be found in crop circles, inculed a lot of mathematics which can be also found in nature. Our new documentary “New swirled order” deals with these questions and present some very extraordinary Crop circle formations in 2008, like the “Pi”-formation in Barbury Castle or the Crop Circle near Avebury Manor, which showed our solar system with the planetary constellation of December 21 of 2012. BUY movie at http
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Discover the hidden secrets of a timeless mystery in this award winning film about the greatest Crop Circle formations ever created. The creators of these paranormal formations still remain a mystery. After years of painstaking research, scientific evidence still points to alien influences that are responsible for this phenomena. One thing is certain, what you are about to see in this amazing film can only be described as miraculous evidence of a secret art form that continues to defy explanation. NOW on DVD – Crop Circles: Crossovers from Another Dimension – 3-DVD Special Edition – Loaded with Bonus Features and Interviews, Cat# U653 – Go to
THE FILM – MAYAN PROPHECIES AND CROP CIRCLES IS A SENSATION! See why people are talking about this extraordinary film! See new night time surveillance footage of a Crop Circle Formation appearing in only a matter of seconds and discover the stunning connection between the Crop Circles and Mayan Prophecies that go back thousands of years. The viewers speak – this is one film not to be missed! Scholars and researchers have discovered an extraordinary connection between rare ancient 6000 year old Sumerian symbols, ancient symbols from the mysterious Mayan calendar, and a group of amazing signs and symbols found among crop circle formations believed to be extraterrestrial in origin, that are now appearing in the farmlands of the English countryside. Now on DVD in a Special 2-Part Double Feature, Cat. #U690. Go to THREE TIME AWARD WINNER – International UFO Congress EBE Awards, Best Documentary, Best Historical Documentary and Peoples Choice Award. What are these symbols collectively trying to say? Scientists belive that we are looking at a great symbolic message system, covering vast distances of historical time and space. However only now with the aid of advanced code breaking technology and the hard work of brilliant researchers, we have been able to connect the dots of antiquity, further unlocking a detailed set of messages that fortell a great prophecy about the future of our planet and confirmation of humanities extraterrestrial origins.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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