UFO Filmed By Pilot From The Cockpit Of The Plane Over Antioquia, Colombia

This Photos comes with no audio and turned into captured from the cockpit of this plane from an unknown effect of residing nevertheless when i earn the guidelines i am going to portion it with you guys. Within the photos we earn a clear scrutinize of this object and this looks rattling upright. It look like a saucer shape craft. Here is the Yarn late the photos “The tournament took location on Would possibly perchance 04th, 2023 Over Antioquia, Colombia, involving a Cessna T303 Crusader piloted by Jorge A. Arteaga. In step with Jorge A. Arteaga, the object noticed turned into now not a balloon of any kind, now not a drone, and never any recognized object to him. He recorded a video of the sighting, which has been confirmed to be genuine. Arteaga recounts that the object turned into first considered floating stationary at a particular level between Medellin and Santa Fe. He and his co-pilot, Daniel, were flying in direction of Medellin after they noticed the object. As they approached the UAP, all of it with out prolong moved in direction of them, prompting Arteaga to inquire of Daniel if he saw and heard it. Arteaga then became the plane around, shooting the major video of the stationary object. As he turned into filming, the object moved rather, and he began to “hunt” it with the plane. At this level, the UAP began transferring in direction of them. Arteaga managed to lead decided of the object while flying at a slither of 130 to 140 knots, which is roughly over 300 kilometers per hour. He noted that had the object been a balloon, the plane’s wake would have blown it away or disrupted its location. He additionally dominated out the likelihood of it being a solar or helium balloon, as the sighting happened at 12,500 toes with temperatures around 5 degrees Celsius. Arteaga expressed peril for the length of the stumble upon, insisting that the object turned into neither a balloon, a drone, nor any recognized object to him.”

Attributable to Jorge A. Arteaga & Daniel
Many as a consequence of Valentina Rueda Vélez for RE-POSTING this
Source photos: OGCRYPTO />UFO, OVNIs, UFO 2023, OVNI, UFOs, НЛО, UAP, UAPS, OVNI 2023, UAP 2023, GHOST, GHOST 2023

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Music Credit: Within the blink of an look by CO.AG Music
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  1. @mr.electronx9036 says

    The Plane is sharp, no longer the article. If the airplane moves and the article moves to, you couldn't even watch it, to lickety-split for digital camera.So i wager, this UFO is jut hovering there.

  2. @willowufgood261 says

    It’s a balloon

  3. @ondtsn1956 says

    About ufos! Pls study by Previous The Light Barrier …Elizabeth Klarer's autobiography.

  4. @lamimis2093 says

    This is true i beget considered the same factor in Livermore California it used to be leisurely at night time and me and my uncle are having a see up when a intellectual red flash got here zooming previous us then 15 seconds after the same object got here by us no sound nothing the wind stopped the crickets stopped making noise, it passed by us however it absolutely qas unfamiliar which skill of u can gape the night time sky threw it aquire can title the form almost round perchance most involving 10-25 feet in diameter this looks to be very acquainted tonwhat i observed that night time

  5. @ondtsn1956 says

    Absolute ufo..There is no this kind of thng so lickety-split that is belong to Earthly science.Pls study by Previous the Light Barrier.

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