UFO Roswell Crash 1947 Footage Alien Bodies
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UFO Roswell Crash 1947 Footage Alien Bodies
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At 0:19 is that a Nazi walking by?
lol great comment
The look of the film (timewise) appears genuwine. I would imagine it to have a grainy texture since its so old.
If its fake then it was very well done.
I have heard some say the Roswell crash was a staged alien event by the government that they orchestrated to cover up a real one that took place around the same time (before Roswell) but I’m not sure.
proof that the alien autopsy was REAL..is the same alien!
the net is no more free
shit is going to hit the fan if disclosure happens
Right, because in the heat of that moment one must create a studio like environment. GREAT! observation Sherlock
whoever’s holding the camera is too retarded to be real.
I thought this was a fake story but its true?