UFO ROSWELLCRASH did happen startling new evidence alien THIS IS PROOF from real document! ovnis ufohunter
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UFO ROSWELLCRASH did happen startling new evidence alien THIS IS PROOF from real document! ovnis ufohunter
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Just ask yourself. Do you really believe that a pilot from the air force do not know what is a weather balloon? Not even the most lazy and retarded pilot in the world dont know what a weather balloon looks like. Something happened in Roswell. After hours of investigation the first statement of the military was: “is a ALIEN SPACECRAFT”, the next day they say is a weather balloon. USE YOUR INTELLIGENCE. If it was a weather balloon, those people were the worst military staff in the history of man.
Roger Rammey needs to go down in History as a traitor to this country and his legacy to go down in history as a traitor to this country for keeping this from us. All the people Presidents on down need to go down in history as traitors . We need to enforce the laws demand investigations and push the issue
Amazing how out of all the conspiracy theories out there, the one with the most evidence of being real also turns out to be the most fascinating and profound.
@Ettrick8 For a part you can . the message makes no sense in case of a normal weatherballoon
@MJ12DAVE Yep so it was.. the baloon was in 2 little packages also in the plane to take it to Ramey for the ”act” of covering up and fool the newspaper media. the dog and pony show.. LOL.. Do the goverment think we are that stupid ? They themselves made the mistake to come up with different storys and the final closed version . why ? They had to leave it as it was. they only made themselves more stupid.. its beyond believe.
@Ettrick8 This debris was swithed Marcell says it also, study the Witness to Roswell book and you will know. very good book by original investigators. Schmitt..
@RocketRoswell Roswell lhad nothing to do with monkeys. and or weather baloons or moguls or anything but a real crashed disc..
@UFOvideoEXPERT Yes it happened.
Let itgo
Would any one believe me if i said… rhesus monkeys 🙂 oh and a V2 rocket, ok answer me this, what was the very first living thing sent into low earth orbit? and no it wasn’t the Russian Dog, they were launched from white-sands in New Mexico… anyone?
Interview with Colonel Thomas J. DuBose
Q: There are two researchers (Schmitt and Randle) who are presently saying that the debris in General Rameys office had been switched and that you men had a weather balloon there in its place.
A: Oh Bull! That material was never switched!
Q: So what you’re saying is that the material in General Rameys office was the actual debris brought in from Roswell?
A: Thats absolutely right.
Which interview do we believe from the same witness
@Ettrick8 “After the plane from Roswell
arrived with the material, I asked the
base commander to personally
transport it in a B-26 to Maj. Gen.
McMullen in Washington, D.C. The
entire operation was conducted
under the strictest secrecy. The
weather balloon explanation for the
material was a cover story to divert
the attention of the press.”-Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Dubose
From 1964-66 he was the Commanding Officer of Wright-Patterson AFB
Roswell, Georgia 2:52pm EST
4:57pm Wednesday (MST) – Time in Roswell, New Mexico
1:23am Wednesday (CST) – Time in Mississippi, United States of America
I’ve looked at blown up copies of this memo on various web sites and you cannot make out what the text is.
I think the storys are fun to listen too, but I’m not a believer.
nice proof !
the biggest thing is that our government only allows us to have half the technology they do. during this time. what was it 1947? The computers we have now are what the government was using. The only time we get better technology is when our government gets better. My point being is that they will always have more technology then us to hide anything. But since this happened that long ago. They couldn’t cover every last bit.
could be true. Although it is still unreadable. It remains a mystery
This is Awesome news!
Thanks for this excellent news my friend!
awesome movie! disclosure NOW !
Great footage.
I bet there is still bits of the craft scattered that have not been found yet.
i have it all on tape also. but this is the best part. the alien ufo crash did happen believe it !!!! 2 ufos matter of fact
Great find mate wondered when this documentary would show up here!
havent heard about this new evidence before thanks for uploading